All posts filed under: Personal

10 Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Was First Diagnosed…

This upcoming summer I will have officially been gluten free for four long, rollercoaster years. If you would have told me that I would be where I am today four years ago, I don’t think I would have believed you. I was about to be a junior in college, had gone through some major life changes outside of my diet, and now I was supposed to give up pizza rolls? I was in a rage of teenage angst and had no idea where to start. Here are the 10 things I wish I would have known when I first went gluten free: You are going to have to build a high tolerance for nay-sayers. There are always going to be people out there who tell you that they learned from South Park that being gluten free isn’t real (yes this actually happened to me). It is okay to be sad, angry, and at times completely and utterly defeated. I can’t tell you the number of times I have gotten mad at myself for crying about being gluten free, which …

Happy Celiac Awareness Month! 

As you know, it’s May. What you may not know is that it’s Celiac Awareness Month! I typically have no shame in spamming the internet with all things gluten free but this is the month to turn it up to 11. Advocacy is the name of the game in May (and every other month).  The happenings:  I’m hosting a St. Louis Gluten Free Meet-Up this month. If you’d like more information please email me at May favorites:  Goodie Girl Cookies now at Starbucks !!!!!!! Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Recipe and photo from Against All Grain

Learning How To Say No

Recently, I was invited to a homemade pizza making party and it made me think about the things in my life that I have said yes to because I didn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings who, at no fault of their own, didn’t understand my disease. The friends of mine who were hosting the party bought gluten free flour and offered to make me my own special pizza but I knew the chance of cross-contamination was way too high. This kind gesture is what has gotten me in trouble often in the past. I used to accept the offer and would end up with a stomach ache and a day on the toilet because I couldn’t handle saying no. However, there is a point in life where you have to understand that doing what is best for yourself is not always selfish. It is necessary for your health and well-being. I went to that pizza making party and had a hell of a time but for the first time in a long time I learned to say …

2017: Time To Accept My Normal 

Celiac Disease is not glamorous and a lot of times it is the farthest from that. This year I have decided to make my new years resolution to accept my normal. Living with an invisible disease, most people do not know the full extent of my illness and the struggles I deal with on a daily basis because I don’t look sick. I am going to be extremely honest in this post in hopes that it helps someone going through something similar or to help someone have more sympathy for things they do not understand. (And honestly to help myself more than anything) I have been living with Celiac Disease since I diagnosed at the age of 19 but I am coming to the realization that I have yet to accept that this is the hand that I was dealt. I ended my 2016 ill and crying in the bathroom of a good friend’s apartment while the party raged on a floor below. The last hour of 2016 was spent in and out of the bathroom …

Let’s be friends. 

First look how amazing this pizza is and check out my post here for the best pizza crusts EVER. Second, I’d love to follow you on Instagram!!! So follow me @thesociableceliac then comment a 🍷on my most recent pic for a follow!!! I really want to start using my Instagram more frequently than I have in the past.


I’ve officially had over 1,000 visitors on my blog. That makes me so happy I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally! As you know, I have no sponsors so I have nothing exciting to give away for this milestone on my blog but I just wanted to say thank you for taking time to read my ramblings. I really appreciate all of you! If you are new to my blog today or visit weekly, I would love you to post in the comments where you are from and a little about yourself so I can get to know my readers. I recently made an Instagram separate from my personal Instagram for my blog so please check that out @thesociableceliac  Thank you so much, Hayley

Washington University in St. Louis 

Hey everyone, just wanted to give you all a little update on my life. I haven’t been as active as I would like to be because grad school is kicking my butt. I am so sorry about that and I hope to post some drafts I have in the works over my Thanksgiving and Winter breaks.  AND MY THANKSGIVING BREAK STARTED TODAY, BOO YAH!  On a more gluten free note, I recommend any High School aged student or undergraduate looking for their next step to consider Washington University in St. Louis. They are outstanding when it comes to catering to my gluten free needs. I could not have picked a better school to continue my education. My building in the Brown School of Social Work has a cute little cafe called “Grounds for Change” and most items get labeled with stickers “gluten free” “vegetarian” “dairy free” etc. And for days that I feel like there aren’t any options for me, I can go to the Danforth University Center and ask for a chef and they …

Birthday Celebration

 The 6th was my 22nd birthday and it was an awesome one at that. I spent the day with my boyfriend Sam and my family.    Sam and I started our day off at Nora’s. It’s one of my favorites ever. I got the Layton which is roast beef, caramelized onions, and herb cream cheese. It comes with horseradish but I got it without because as you know I’m quite picky. I also got some chocolate chip cookies from New Day bakery. These cookies are seriously to die for. Sam opted for the non-gluten free Reuben sandwich.     We then made our way over to the St. Louis zoo. I was so full from lunch that I didn’t check out the gluten free options there but I think I will in the future!! I love the zoo and I’m so happy it turned into such a beautiful day.    The next stop on our agenda was grabbing a quick drink at Bar Louie in the Central West End. I got this amazing watermelon margarita. So refreshing after …

Welcome to my ~new~ blog.

If you know me then you would know that I had a blog during my undergraduate education after I was diagnosed. However, I would like expand the content and audience of my blog and that is where I am now. But first, let me give you a little more about myself than you can get from the “About” section. I am (almost – my birthday is August 6th) 22 years old living in the greater St. Louis area. I have a wonderful boyfriend who tries his best to understand my disease and tries even harder not to gluten me. I recently graduated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign with my Bachelors of Social Work. I start my graduate school education August 17th at WashU STL. I will be getting my Masters in Social Work concentrating in Domestic Social and Economic Development and hopefully specializing in Policy or Management (or both). I am a book worm, space loving, silly lady with designer taste on a buried to my head in student loans budget. I enjoy binge watching TV series on …