All posts filed under: Places

Busch Stadium | St. Louis

No matter if you are young and single or have a family, going to the ballpark is always fun but can be a challenge when you are trying to feed (and hydrate) a celiac or person with a gluten intolerance. I have been seeing more and more posts about awesome gluten free options at ballparks all over America so I thought I would do a little research on my ballpark, Busch Stadium, in St. Louis, Missouri. I looked online at their website and found where the stand with gluten free options was located. You can find that list here.  I have not been to a Cardinal’s game since I went gluten free so I was excited for the night. However, I am very glad that I ate before I went to the game because I would have been very hungry. I went on a journey across the stadium from my seats to the Farmer’s Market area where they claimed to have some gluten free options. The gluten free item was a small to medium sized …