All posts tagged: nfca

Ace Pumpkin Hard Cider

Happy fall, y’all!! Even though it is 90+ degree in the city of St. Louis, we have officially transitioned to fall. And you know what that means??? PUMPKIN ERRRTHANG. Break out the PSL, flannel, and hayrides!!! My favorite fall themed beverage is Ace Pumpkin Hard Cider. I cannot wait to find it on tap and in stores soon!! I have absolute no issue with the sweetness of most ciders because I have an intense sweet tooth. However, this cider is definitely more on the spicy side and less sweet than their other varieties for those of you out there who are  not a fan of the sweetness! Check it out and let me know what you think!!!

Homemade Fried Mozzarella Sticks 

I have mentioned how much I love cheese and with that, I love fried cheese…. How could you not?! Finding good mozzarella sticks that are gluten free has not been an easy task. One of my college roommates was also gluten free and she bought frozen gf moz sticks from Meijer one time and all of the breading fell off before we got them into the oven. We ended up having to break out the eggs and smash up some gluten free croutons to reattach the breading to even be able to cook them. It would have been easier to make them from scratch like I did below. I looked up a few different recipes for making your own fried cheese and then adapted them all into one of my liking. This was a lot easier than I originally thought it would be. I think frying my own food was the most intimidating part… I pictured my whole home engulfed in flames just because I wanted some fried cheese. I have also adapted the recipe to make fried calamari …

Pizza Crust Mix

Pizza is something I took for granted before I was diagnosed. I didn’t love it when I was younger because of my dislike for tomato sauce and by the time I got to college I only had 2 years to truly appreciate all of its greatness.  That being said I work at a summer camp and handle delicious looking delivery pizza on a weekly basis and I am on the search of my life to buy/defrost/make from scratch the best pizza I can. My most recent pizza attempt was found at my local Fresh Thyme. Only takes a few minutes to make just mix 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 cup shredded cheese (optional), 2 eggs, and 1/4 cup  milk or water. Takes about 15 minutes to bake for a 14 inch pizza crust.  I put all of my ingredients under my cheese because that is how I prefer my pizza. This particular pizza was bacon, green peppers, white onions, fresh garlic, romano and mozzarella cheeses, and some garlic salt and ground pepper. I used Preggo Pizza Sauce. …

Busch Stadium | St. Louis

No matter if you are young and single or have a family, going to the ballpark is always fun but can be a challenge when you are trying to feed (and hydrate) a celiac or person with a gluten intolerance. I have been seeing more and more posts about awesome gluten free options at ballparks all over America so I thought I would do a little research on my ballpark, Busch Stadium, in St. Louis, Missouri. I looked online at their website and found where the stand with gluten free options was located. You can find that list here.  I have not been to a Cardinal’s game since I went gluten free so I was excited for the night. However, I am very glad that I ate before I went to the game because I would have been very hungry. I went on a journey across the stadium from my seats to the Farmer’s Market area where they claimed to have some gluten free options. The gluten free item was a small to medium sized …

Angry Orchard Strawman Farmhouse Hard Cider

I love my hard cider. I know that they are sugary and contain a ton of calories but I don’t care because they make me happy. Last Thanksgiving I had 1750 calories from Hard Cider alone and I don’t regret it one bit. Recently, I have been branching out and trying new ciders whenever I see them. I have my favorites and ones that I don’t like too much either but it is always fun for me to try something new. This week it was Angry Orchard’s Strawman Farmhouse Hard Cider. It comes from their Cider House collection that also includes Iceman and The Muse, which I cannot wait to find and try. I am no alcohol aficionado and I am not going to try to impress you with words I googled to sound like I know what I am talking about when it comes to describing alcohol so I will enlighten you with a little blurb from the Angry Orchard website about this cider: Strawman combines a distinct blend of juices from traditional culinary and …

Welcome to my ~new~ blog.

If you know me then you would know that I had a blog during my undergraduate education after I was diagnosed. However, I would like expand the content and audience of my blog and that is where I am now. But first, let me give you a little more about myself than you can get from the “About” section. I am (almost – my birthday is August 6th) 22 years old living in the greater St. Louis area. I have a wonderful boyfriend who tries his best to understand my disease and tries even harder not to gluten me. I recently graduated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign with my Bachelors of Social Work. I start my graduate school education August 17th at WashU STL. I will be getting my Masters in Social Work concentrating in Domestic Social and Economic Development and hopefully specializing in Policy or Management (or both). I am a book worm, space loving, silly lady with designer taste on a buried to my head in student loans budget. I enjoy binge watching TV series on …